Friday, March 10, 2006

A Sad Farewell

After four days, it was time for our young travelers to get back on the road and head into Mexico. After exploring that country for several weeks/months, they may settle on a farm in Belize for about a year. They don’t know what they will do after that. Here we have a beautiful, intelligent, caring couple who graduated Summa Cum Laude (Courtney has a masters degree) and who have no plans other than working as farm laborers, learning about a new culture, and living off the land in a third world country. Now where did they get that kind of venturesome spirit? Sometimes we just shake our heads; we are concerned for Althea. At other times, we admire their courage, their
free spirits, their unconcern about material things, and we want to say, "Go for it guys! Live your dream. You have lots of time to get traditional. Just don't forget that we love you."


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