Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Kartchner Caverns Are Alive!

Kartchner Caverns are located about 20 miles north of Sierra Vista (SV). Krtchner was discovered by two amateur cavers, Randy Tufts and Gary Tenen, students from the University of Arizona, in 1974. They entered through a previously sighted sink hole and wiggled through narrow spaces. After finding several passages with their dim lights, the amateur cavers were awed by the finding of a huge room later called the Big Room.

Amazingly, the discovery was a well-kept secret for 14 years. This is a rare, living, wet cave. Much activity is still happening in 68 degrees and 99 per cent humidity. Randy and Gary knew that unless their secret cave were protected, it would soon die and be subject to vandalism. The Cave was purchased from a farm family, Mr. and Mrs. James Kartchner, in 1988 by the State of Arizona. The Kartchners had helped state park officials keep the huge, mysterious, cavernous secret that was lying beneath their arid farm. Much work and expense was involved in protecting the caverns and making them available to tourists.

The Rotunda Room and Throne Room opened to the public in 1992. The Big Room was not opened until 2003. The latter is only available from October 15 until April 15 to allow the cave’s 1000 female bats to raise their young. Octillo “forests” provide clues to locating a limestone cavern. We will plan our next trip to Kartchner during the time when the Big Room will be available.


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