Because we have such a large, lovely lawn with our rental cottage on Lake Atitlan, it seemed appropriate to use our home for a few social events. On Thanksgiving Day, which was also our granddaughter, Althea's, seventh
birthday, we opened our casa
to Josh, Courtney, Althea, Baby Mirabai and their friends. We purchased turkey breasts at an American market in Panajachel, and Gloria roasted them in our archaic gas oven without the benefit of a thermometer. She also baked Jerry's favorite oatmeal cookies with big, native raisins.
Courtney baked and decorated Althea's carrot cake with the help of her sweet, little Guatemalan housekeeper/maid, Lydia. Four of Josh & Courtney's friends who attended pr
ovided the side dishes. We also took a sumptuous dinner to Pasquel, our faithful guardian, who lives on the property and is the person responsible for our picturesque lawn and flowers.
Mirabai was two weeks old on this special day, and it was Courtney's first outing since the baby was born. She had to walk down many stone steps and

steep inclines from their home up on the mountainside, but she's a trooper. Later she said this was her first full, sit down meal without interruption since the baby's birth. We all have so much for which we are thankful.
Althea received several nice gifts and enjoyed blowing out the candles on her cake. Sometimes it is hard for a seven year old to have to s

hare the spotlight with a new sister, but she is handling it well. To make sure she had a special birthday, we held a second party for her and 15 friends the day after Thanksgiving. Some of the children arrived 40 minutes before party time. Courtney and Gloria combined their

talents to provide refreshments for the kids and parents, and Josh allowed his "child" to

emerge to serve as the master of games. When the two days of celebration were over, Josh, Courtney and the girls moved in with us for a night. We
old timers finally just breathed a sigh of relief and exclaimed, "Whew! We made it!"
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