Hanscom Air Force Base & Family Visits
As we drove into Hanscom Air Force Base (HAFB) we felt as if we were home. We had been there each time we came to Massachusetts to visit daughter Andrea,
David, and 13 year old Holden. This time was special because we were able to bring our friends, Elaine and Lloyd, with us as our civilian RV guests. Our sites were spacious and located off post to facilitate comings and goings. Senator Kennedy’s funeral was to be held the next day in a church in Boston. We did the laundry first and then drove on to Salem to see Andrea’s family, and meet one of his caregivers, Nancy, and greet his new service dog, Robie. We were pleased to learn that Holden’s chronic seizures had decreased, and he had improved in growth, health, and communication. He was responsive to Nancy and his parents. However, neither of us merited a hug
or a verbal greeti
ng; we did get a smile now and then. Andrea had a delicious salad prepared and had also ordered Pizza from our favorite Salem Pizzeria. Andrea and David are avid Bridge players, and as soon as Nancy had tucked Holden in bed, we played several rounds before driving back to the base.
Saturday we both got haircuts at the base post exchange. While Gloria was getting a pedi/manicure Jerry sat in the food court and watched the Kennedy funeral and the eulogy delivered by President Obama. After learning that the President’s plane was parked near the runway not far from our campsite, we drove as close to the fence as possible for a better view. What a proud moment to see “United States of America” on the side of the big jet. We returned to Salem to play more Bridge, as rainy weather prevented us from going to the park. That evening Holden had a mild seizure just before we left. He would need a day of complete sleep for the brain to recover.
Sunday we had TV church with Dr. Charles Stanley after learning we had missed the 9:00 a.m. HAFB chapel service. We then joined our family members at a Salem community park to watch Holden kick the big red ball we had brought with us. He has excellent form and a strong throwing arm with the football. It was a thrill to watch him strut his stuff. We returned to their home for Holden to have his lunch and get
some needed sleep time. After more Bridge, we left at dinner time to prepare for our departure the next day. We are grateful for Holden’s improvement and for the benefit he is deriving from his service dog. David and Andrea devote most of their time to caring for this young man and researching the Web for possible treatment solutions. We pray for them daily, as their burden is heavy. The best medical professionals have no real answers.
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