Saturday, August 25, 2012

Back in the USA

Old Vermont Covered Bridge
From our campsite located west of Montreal we traveled about 75 miles to where we crossed back into the U.S. at the Vermont Border. Everything went smoothly at customs, and it was a wonderful feeling being back in our own country. We love the Northeast States, and the weather in Vermont was ideal. In Logan, we stopped to take a photo of an old covered bridge. We stayed in New Hampshire that night, and then traveled on to Boston. There we stayed for a few days at Hanscom Air Force Base.

Gloria and Daughter, Andrea
Our daughter, Andrea and her son, Holden, live in Salem, not far from Hanscom. We enjoyed a couple of meals with them, and Holden, age 16, seems a bit better than when we last saw him at Virginia Beach in 2010. He is autistic and has suffered myriad seizures since he was six months old. When he was a little boy he was so bright and quite athletic. We continue to be sad about the deterioration of his physical and mental skills. Andrea stays busy teaching Head Start classes, editing college-level papers, and playing bass in several bands. She also takes occasional graduate level classes.
Boston Harbor

Massachusetts Statehouse
While in Boston, we spent a day touring the city. We have done this before, but Boston is so rich in history, and we always learn something new. From the Air Force Base we took the train downtown to the famous Commons. From there our double-decker tour bus took us to many historical sites. Included was the famous lounge where Cheers was filmed. We were amazed when Gloria approached the bus, and the driver lowered the entire vehicle so she could easily step on the platform. We also did a harbor tour in sunny, cool weather.
Cheers Lounge

There was one downer in Boston. While grocery shopping one evening, Gloria fell as she was walking out of a supermarket in Lexington.  She suffered a wicked cut on the bridge of her nose where her glasses severed the skin, and she also skinned her mouth. Fortunately, we were only three miles from a hospital. The physician in the ER was certain Gloria had broken her nose, but such was not the case. As well, she had no head injuries. After several hours she was released.
Public House Historic Inn

After a few days it was time to say goodbye to Andrea and Holden and move on to Northern Virginia. On our way we stopped for brunch at one of our favorite places, the old Public House Historic Inn in Sturbridge located not far from Boston. The food is great, the ambiance is typical New England, and the service is spectacular. Occasionally one must step back in time and enjoy the special quiet things of yesteryear. 


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