Sunday, April 02, 2006

White Sands National Monument

Trinity, site of the first atomic bomb explosion, was where the US missile and space programs had their beginnings. It is located near Las Cruces on the White Sands Missile Range. It is open to the public only twice a year, and we missed that opportunity by a day. However, we were satisfied to leave our rig in Las Cruses and drive 50 miles to the White Sands National Monument.

The Monument includes over 275 acres of naturally produced gypsum. We drove through the brilliant white dunes, amazed that plants and animals could survive in that constantly changing environment. The sands (really gypsum) are always moving. The landscape actually looks like snow, but the high temperature quickly reminded us that we were witnessing a mirage.

We enjoyed a late lunch in one of the unique shelters and watched the people, including small children, slide down the dunes on various kinds of “sleds.” We did get make one big mistake; we lost Flat Jack. Gloria nearly fell apart. What a terrible Grandma! An APB was posted for Flat Jack with our home address and cell number listed on their board. We were sad at the loss, but we have faith the he will be located. We called the real Jack in Texas, begging foregiveness and asking for a Flat Jack replacement to be sent pronto.


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