Denver, Colorado
We stayed in Denver for three days, but we took time away from touring to service our car and rest. Dakota Ridge is a wonderful RV park but a bit on the pricey side. Its pool, sau
na, and clubhouse rival most good hotels. It is actually located in Golden, a suburb of Denver. Golden is home to the Coors Brewing Company and Colorado School of Mines. In the middle of town, along the banks of Clear Creek, is a small historic village with original buildings moved from the old Pearce Ranch. Not far from Golden is Buffalo Bill’s grave.
The Capitol of Colorado, with its gold dome, is a splendid architectural masterpiece. It is surrounded by magnificent flower beds. We arrived there just in time to catch an excellent tour, where we learned a lot about Colorado’s history. The Denver Mint is located near the Capitol. We visited the Mint Store to purchase some coins, but it was too late to get a tour. One could easily spend a week sightseeing in the Denver area and not get bored.
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