51st Wedding Anniversary In Twin Falls, ID
We left Wal-Mart's RV-friendly parking lot where we had spent the night in Ontario, Oregon, near the Idaho border, and drove on to Twin Falls a couple of days ago. We had enjoyed a week in and around Boise, ID two years ago. (For info about that city and the capitol, scroll back on this Blog to 9/2006) We elected to stay at Anderson's Campground just pas
t Twin Falls near the Shoshone Falls and to prepare for church the next day. We learned that the church we had attended in 2006 had changed its name to River Christian Fellowship, but CSN, the International Christian Radio Station, was still operated by the church. CSN broadcasts the Word in almost every state in the US and many countries around the world. You may find a station in your neighborhood by going to www.csnradio.com.
We were in the same Sunday school class taught by Mark that we attended two years ago. Pastor Mike is still there also. It was our 51st wedding anniversary and there would be a family meal right after church. We just looked at each other and said, "Happy Anniversary!" The lunch was delicious, but the best part was sharing our meal with Adrian. He is an electronics specialist and volunteers his time advising the technicians and assisting in the operation of the large broadcasting station. After lunch, he gave us an extensive tour of the recording/broadcasting studios. Looking at all the electronics involved in live broadcasting, taping, and televising had us looking agog. We crossed the famous Perrine Memorial Bridge, which is 1500 feet in length and stands 456 feet above the Snake River. It is one of the m
ost popular BASE (Building, Antenna, Span, Earth) jumping bridges in the west, as it has a fairly safe landing area on the banks of the river. Parachuting is legal from the Perrine Bridge and occurs almost daily. The first base jumpers were filmed in Yosemite NP in 1978. The bridge is also the site of an annual bungee jumping week. For a more complete description of Twin Falls, scroll back to our September 26, 2006 post on this Blog.
We went back to the campground for an afternoon nap, read the Sunday paper, and then had a quiet anniversary dinner at one of Gloria's favorite restaurants, Outback Steakhouse. Ok, so it wasn’t like recent celebrations in Alaska or Hawaii, but it was fun and relaxing. Just making it for 51 years and being healthy are reasons enough to celebrate wherever. Only five percent of marriages survive for 50 years. Not only do we still have each other, but the good Lord blesses us each day as we travel to new places.
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