Gillette, WY: Setting For The International Airstream Rally
After a blowout on the trailer--wheel changed by Jerry--we were still hacking and coughing from our bronchitis on June 15 when we arrived in Gillette for the 53rd Wally Byam Caravan Club International (WBCCI) Rally. We were part of the early worker contingent, and we were quickly immersed in preparing for the rally opening on June 28. Jerry served as First VP of the CB Club, which makes frequent daily radio announcements to keep attendees aware of schedule changes, weather forecasts, emergency procedures, committe
e requests, directions to events and services, and field numerous over-the-air questions from participants. Gloria is Secretary of the Classic Airstream Club, and also chaired the annual three-session Bridge tournament. Jerry won two ribbons in that competition plus four ribbons in the digital photo contest. See them at the
bottom of this post.
This was the first international rally where we had three-point campground hookups--30 amp electric service, sewers, and city water. We had none of these when we attended our first rally in 1996, Back then we had over 2000 rigs on the South Dakota rally grounds. This time, we had only 715 parked on opening day; ten percent of them were from Texas. Younger Airstreamers see less of a need for club fellowship, fuel prices are high, and campers have many choices as to what kind and brand of RV to purchase. All of this does not take away from the fun, fellowship, and adventure WBCCI Airstreamers still experience. There are the mini-tours of area attractions, contests, pancake breakfasts, sm
all group socials, unit and region lunches, table games, and happy hours. Church services, featuring an excellent member choir, are well-attended as are the evening guest entertainment events followed by dancing to the fabulous WBCCI Band. Vendors are plentiful plus many drawings for prizes--the largest being $500 from the Airstream Company. Our name was never called.
WBCCI is a patriotic organization. Flags from units and regions are ubiquitous at the opening and closing ceremonies. These occasions are also used to recognize our officers; much of the evening music honors our nation and our military personnel, both active and retired. We were proud of the fact that this year and last year, the International President and First Lady are our neighbors at the North Texas Airstream Community. Leading an international rally is a huge task that requires three years of travel and preparation. We are grateful for the sacrifices of friends, Jerry & Joan last year and Tom & Norma this year and for their unselfish volunteer work and leadership in making both rallies a huge success.
Gillette is not the most scenic rally site we have visited. Its claim to fame is the self-proclaimed title, “Energy Capital of the World.” Its leading industry is coal—lots of coal. Approximately 65 trains of coal cars pass through town daily. We took time to tour a huge surface coal mine near the city. The big dump vehicles shown in the photo, with us in front of a wheel, can fill a train car with only
two scoops. Tires for these monsters cost around $45,000 each and last for about two years. We also visited a new technical school on the grounds of Gillette College as well as a newly found buffalo jump once used by the Indians. Our favorite tour was Devils Tower, located 30 miles from Gillette. This was proclaimed as the first national monument by President Teddy Roosevelt in 1906. It protrudes 1267 feet above a grassy prairie and the Belle Fourshe River. It was once much taller but has gradually eroded due to w
ind and rain. It still serves as holy ground for several Indian tribes. In the late 1800s a couple of farmers actually got to the top by tacking a lengthy ladder to side of the rock. In the 1930s, the tower was scaled by a German using more technical climbing methods. In 1941 a parachutist successfully landed on the tower, but it took six days to rescue him. Jerry walked the mile and a half path around the tower with its awesome grassland and river view, while Gloria rested and enjoyed the quiet park.
Everyone is fascinated with the vintage Airstream trailers invented by our legendary inventor-founder, Wally Byam. The oldest Airstream in existence was present. It is a 1935 model made from Wally’s plans. A 1936 torpedo model with tear-drop windows was a big hit in the vintage parade and open house.
We celebrated Wally’s birthday on July 4 with a giant display of fireworks, and suddenly the 53rd annual rally was history. By the next morning, most of the shiny Airstreams, including ours, were on the highways heading home or to other wonderful places. Many were joining caravans and listening to Willie Nelson singing, “On the Road Again,” the unofficial Airstream theme song. It’s always a bit sad to see a big rally end, but we were ready to head east and find a quiet place to rest for a few days.
These are Jerry's contest photos mentioned at the end of paragraph one above. He is especially proud of the unposed one of Gloria applying her lipstick while using the large fender mirror of a classic Hudson coupe. The Airstream photo is of us on the scenic Icefields Parkway in Canada.
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