Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Momentous Month of May

May was a relatively quiet month for us with great weather, and it was a great month for our nation. We didn’t travel much. It was a good time to be with our friends in our Airstream community, and play lots of Bridge and a little joker. May was a time to honor mothers. The photo of Gloria was taken on Mother’s Day following church and dinner.

The most dramatic event of the month was the death of the world’s greatest enemy, Osama Bin Laden. Our President, CIA and Navy Seals are to be commended for scouting him out, keeping the secret, and executing the complex, dangerous mission without one U.S. casualty.

The last week of the month was spent preparing for our four months road trip beginning on or around June 1. Jerry’s biggest contribution to that effort was washing and waxing the Airstream. There were also hundreds of items that needed to be packed including our food and clothing.

We worked to get our flower garden in shape with some hired help. One of the joys ofour home is our garden view from the sun room. Beautiful, proud roadrunners like the one shown at the top with a lizard in his beak are frequent visitors. Sometimes they catch snakes. They love to march back and forth along the concrete barrier and between the various plantings. We named the lizard this roadrunner caught Bin Laden.


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