Traveling With Gramma & Grandpa
This is Samuel, age 11, writing this post: As a requirement for my Boy Scout Photography Merit Badge I have chosen “Traveling with My Grandparents” as a theme. After our family reunion at Virginia Beach, we left on Monday, two days after the family reunion ended; we set off towards Warriors Path, Tennessee. I spent that day on the road reading and napping. We stopped at Appomattox Court House, VA and got a speech from Dr.
Christianson. Appomattox is where Lee surrendered to Grant at the end of the Civil War. At 6:00 pm we stopped at Amelia campground where everybody was very kind and cheerful. I also went swimming while I was there. On Tuesday we spent the day on the road. I did the same thing as the day before reading and napping. Out my window I could see that there were a lot of farms and hills. At 7:30 pm we stopped at a Wal-Mart. That night for my very first time I ate at Golden Corral. The food there is scrumptious. When we got back to the trailer I was so tired I got into my pajamas, unfolded my bed crawled into my sleeping bag and went to sleep.
On Wednesday we arrived at Warriors Path, Kingsport, TN in the morning and set up camp. Later Uncle Mark, Aunt Crystal, and Ethan, who live in Kingsport, came over for dinner. That night Ethan stayed the night. In the afternoon we went over to rush street grill for lunch. After everybody was done eating we loaded my stuff into Aunt Crystal’s car since I was going to spend the night there. After that when we were heading back into the restaurant when Grandma tripped and fell in the parking lot and a lot of people came and helped her. Later Aunt Crystal, Ethan and I went to a library in Abingdon, Virginia that is run in someone’s basement. After that we headed to Ethan’s house. Once there we
played with toys and his dog, Daisy.
The next day we went on a field trip with Ethan’s home school group. We went to a farm in Virginia. It smelled like manure there. After that we headed towards the Airstream. At 6:30pm we went to a NASCAR race at Bristol. Kyle Bush won the race. On Saturday we went to Jonesboro and saw Bill Lepp, a famous storyteller and comedian.On Sunday I went to First Baptist Church. I was lucky since Uncle Mark was my Sunday school teacher. We ate at Stir fry cafe for lunch. On Tuesday we went to the East Tennessee State University Natural History Museum. There I saw fossils from the Miocene age which dates back to 4.7 million – 5 million years ago.
On Thursday we went to the Appalachian Fair and saw exhibits and cow judging. On Friday we went back to the fair to try to see if we could win an ATV; we did not win. The man who gave away the ATV is a famous deer hunter and that day he was preaching the word of God. On Saturday we went to Carter Fold. Carter fold is an old fashion country music hall founded by A.P. and Sara Carter. June Carter was the wife of Johnny Cash.
On Sunday we went to first Baptist Church. On Monday we had a great fire made by yours truly. On Tuesday we went to dinner at Mark and Crystal’s. On Wednesday I went fishing early in the morning. Sadly I caught nothing. That afternoon we hit the road. We stopped at Wal-Mart for the night. On Thursday we made it to Skyline Ranch, Front Royal Virginia. I helped Grandpa unhook the trailer from the truck and set up the campsite. The next day my mom and dad arrived I was really excited to see them. We went swimming and went to a social by the pool were a DJ played music and there was some food. On Saturday I went to a bingo game. I also played miniature golf. The next day we went to skyline drive. On Monday I left so I could start school on Tuesday.
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