In Memory Mercedes Luz
Mercedes Luz (Spanish for Mercy Light), infant daughter of Josh and our youngest daughter, Courtney, was born 2 ½ months prematurely on July 6, Jerry’s birthday, and went to be with the Lord less than two full days later. Courtney had begun leaking embryonic fluid and having contractions on July 4. She was taken from their home in San Marcos La Laguna to Guatemala City, three hours away, for treatment. Competent physicians tried unsuccessfully to stop the flow of fluid and the contractions, but in the end it was decided to perform a C-section birth. The little girl, in addition to being born too early, had several genetic issues. She weighed less than two pounds, but her tiny body struggled to survive with an enlarged heart. On the morning of July 6, Courtney and Josh were privileged to place their hands on tiny Mercedes in the incubator room and admire her dark hair and skin. She looked directly at them for awhile with sweet expressions and seemed to relish that special parental warmth that exceeds what any incubator can provide. Then, as suddenly as she had entered this world, she departed without a whimper under the tender, loving hands of both parents who had created her with God’s help. Life support was never removed—they left that up to Lord. His plans are always perfect, even though we often fail to understand them.
Courtney had spent a week with us in Texas in April, and we all had such a wonderful time. Josh stayed in Guatemala caring for daughters Althea, age nine, and Mirabai, age 2 ¾ while managing the school they own. Courtney was so pretty in her pregnant condition, and we discussed our forthcoming visit to San Marcos in November. We were joyfully anticipating the birth of our ninth grandchild. How wonderful it would be to take a new baby on scenic walks and have the two older girls along to serve as our interpreters. But the Book of James says we should make no big plans. Regrettably, there will be no baby to hold. However, we are still to be blessed to have beautiful Althea and Mirabai as our walking companions. Little Mirabai continues to ask, “Where’s the baby?” How can she possibly understand?
Our hearts are sad, and we must fight the tears whenever we discuss the baby or ponder her short life. But we are taking solace in Psalm 91. Courtney and Josh feel blessed with all of the prayers and love extended to them by so many. This diminutive, precious baby, Mercedes Luz, came to this world on a special day for a unique purpose. We are struggling to understand that purpose, and one day we will know. Like a little wounded eaglet that fell from the nest, she simply wasn’t prepared to fly. But we are confident that she has been made whole by our Lord. She will forever be a part of us and our family.
“Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles.” Isaiah 40: 31
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