The International Airstrream Rally, Du Quoin, IL
We have been to nine or more international Airstream rallies where we always celebrate our founding father, Wally Byam, on his July 4th birthday. The rally typically lasts for a week, but for some of us volunteers, getting to the rally site a week or two in advance is not uncommon. When we attended our first rally in Rapid City, ND in 1996, there were 2200 Airstreams present. This year at the 54th annual rally held in Du Quoin, IL the number dwindled to just over 500 rigs--the smallest attendance ever. There are many reasons for the decline: More and more RVers are now pulling 5th wheels or driving big motorhomes. Shiny aluminum Airstreams are expensive, and many people are still in a recession mentality when it comes to travel. High fuel prices discourage some. Airstream trailers and the Wally Byam Caravan Club International (WBCCI) app
eal to an older crowd, and younger people are often not joiners. Yet, wherever we travel people of all ages seek us out in parking lots and fuel stations, saying that we are living their dream, or words to that effect. Nearly everyone thinks that classic Airstream trailers are the cream of the crop when it comes to RV beauty, luxury, and quality. We agree! The photo top right is of a 1935 Airstream that is still on the road. It's the oldest one in existance.
At the international rallies there is much tradition to include flag ceremonies at the beginning and end. Present and former officers are honored in a special way. There are vendor stands galore, keynote presentations, seminars, parades, competitions, and good evening entertainment. The WBCCI Band is fantastic with a talented and highly skilled director. Our capable musicians provide concerts and dance music. There are also unit achievement awards, caravan meetings, and unit and region di
nners and cookouts. Tours of local points of interest are always popular. There are also intra-club activities for groups like vintage trailer owners, singles, and classic owners. Church services are well-attended and supplemented with daily devotions. We always generously donate money and goods to charitable causes in the host communities. Finally, the flea market is so popular and crowded that it is hard to get to all of the tables. It’s a busy week indeed, and this year we were so busy that we had to skip some things we wanted to do.
Jerry served as President of Wally Byam Control. That is the CB radio network that broadcasts all of the schedule changes, weather alerts, and committee announcements, as well as answer questions from attendees who call us concerning myriad issues. We had a wonderful parking site right behind the station where we even had a view of the lake. Gloria worked in the station and also ma
naged the three-day party Bridge competition. She won a blue ribbon for attaining high score on one of the days. Jerry won four ribbons for his digital photos. He also served as photographer for the annual band photo. By the night of July 3, we were exhausted, and we had to leave the rally a day early in order to meet up with the International Viking Caravan in New Brunswick on July 8 as it headed to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. We had looked forward to this fabulous adventure for the past year. We had been #18 on the WAIT list last July, but miraculously we made the cut.
I love the pictures. Hope to see you in the fall.
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